"Print Checks - Imprimir Cheques" is a management program of checks and promissory notes.
- You can print checks and promissory notes in any medium supported by your printer (single sheets or continuous paper)
- You can print them in any of the following languages:
- English
- French
- Portuguese
- Spanish - Castilian
- Spanish - Catalan
- You can directly access any information
- You'll have easy control over the displayed information on the screen and the data to be printed.
"Print Checks - Imprimir Cheques" features
- It is fully configurable:
- You can set what data, with what format and where each data must appear on the check
- You can set the text and the layout of the letter you can print, if you wish, in order to send the checks and promissory notes by post
- You can set the text amount format and the number of decimal places to consider
- You can work with an unlimited number of accounts, each one with its own independent configuration
- Beneficiary database
- Independent Printing of:
- checks or promissory notes
- Letter in order to attach a check or promissory note
- Justification Sheet
- Listings
Download the program
- imprimircheques.exe:
This is the program itself. Save it to your computer, and install it to start using it.
- ch_201.exe:
This package includes all files that have changed since the first edition. If you already have installed the program, you can upgrade to the latest version by downloading this file. Once downloaded, you just have to open and unpack its contents to the folder where you installed "Print Checks - Imprimir Cheques"
- configurar_impresion.pdf:
A help file on how to properly configure the printer to print checks (click with right mouse button and select "Save Target As ..." (or similar option, depending on your browser) to save a copy to your computer.
Latest version: 2.01.14 Date March, 8 2010 You can check which is yours by clicking on the "About..." button of your program. |
Download the program: imprimircheques.exe
If you already have installed it and your version is older, you can update your installation by downloading ch_201.exe